Wellness Retreats

Hi, there. I’m Ilanit Blumenfeld, the brains behind IBG Nutrition and a Registered Dietitian. With over 20 years of experience, I’ve got a deep passion for healthy food, fun exercise, good sleep, and a balanced lifestyle.

But my real superpower? I’ve got a knack for helping individuals and companies reach their wellness goals. 

My newest venture merges my expertise in wellness and nutrition with my passion for travel and deep appreciation of Latin American culture. Growing up between Latin America and the US has given me firsthand experiences of many incredible destinations, and I’m eager to share my love for their culture, cuisine, and people with you.

Our high-end curated wellness retreats are sure to leave you feeling rejuvenated and enlightened. Join us for the journey, and learn more about your personal health, while enjoying the beautiful locations we have hand picked for you. You will come away laughing deeper, crying harder, and living with a greater purpose. 

B:B Solutions

Elevate Your Company’s Wellness With Our Customized Retreats 

Let IBG Nutrition tailor a unique retreat for your clients – culinary adventures, meditation, dance, laughter therapy and fitness with your favorite staff – our retreats are personalized to ignite joy and health! We will empower your clients to embrace healthier and happier lifestyles while having the time of their lives! Choose your favorite location between Costa Rica and Panama; beach or mountains, leave the tough decisions to us. We have got you covered.

B:B Solutions

Elevate Your Company’s Wellness With Our Customized Retreats 

Let IBG Nutrition tailor a unique retreat for your clients – culinary adventures, meditation, dance, laughter therapy and fitness with your favorite staff – our retreats are personalized to ignite joy and health! We will empower your clients to embrace healthier and happier lifestyles while having the time of their lives! Choose your favorite location between Costa Rica and Panama; beach or mountains, leave the tough decisions to us. We have got you covered.